Monday, September 1, 2008

Ramadhan Al Mubarak

To all,

Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa. Semoga dapat mendekatkan diri kepada-Nya, memahami ciptaan-Nya, meredhai setiap ketentuan-Nya.

Life is not always beauty, but the beaut is always subjective. Thus, find in every corner, the beauty of every creation and event.

Thousand apology for every misdeed and harsh words.

Hope everybody will gain lots of barakah during this blissful Ramadhan.

Thanks and sorry for everything.



Anonymous said...

selamat berpose juga...

sungguh cantik si kain pelikat, dipakai orang pergi ke pekan,
puasa ramadhan memang dah dekat,
silap dan salah mohon dimaafkan...

so selamat menjalani ibadah pose sebagai seorang perantauan...hihihhi

Anonymous said...

Same here Do.. May this time around be the best Ramadhan yet for us